Sunday, February 5, 2023

Glorifying God


    Jesus was strong.  He taught us how to be strong and glorify God.  We can glorify God by being strong for those that are weak.  We help bear their burdens, but not to the point that it would make us fall.  You can live a life that is pleasing without becoming a people pleasure in which people take advantage of your generous nature.  
    Jesus lived a sacrificial life daily for other people, but he was no fool.  He was never taken advantage of.  He came to earth not for himself, but for all humanity.  He taught us endurance and how to encourage other people.  
    When Christians work together sacrificially, then the Holy Spirit provides unity and fellowship.  It is not forced or fake.  It is all meant to glory God in action, not just words.  We have to accept each other where we are, like Jesus accepted us.  
    God's law of love and liberty is revealed by the way we treat and lead other people to Him.  He is the living God.  This should give us eternal hope that fills us with joy and peace.  We can have peace in all situations because we trust that God has control over the situation.  When you can trust God, then you can relax.  
    The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a Godly life everyday.  He gives us the ability to be good by God's standards.  It is completed by educating ourselves on what God expects.  Knowledge is power, but not without wisdom to use that knowledge.  Wisdom gives us the ability to be obedient in proclaiming the Gospel in a way that is an acceptable offering to God.  
    Give to the poor and saints.  It is a blessing to share all you have with those in your life.  Come together in love to share in each other's struggles while praying for each other.  No one was ever meant to live life alone.  This allows you to start each day refreshed and not already weighed down.

Romans 15


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