Sunday, March 5, 2023

Facing False Prophets


    Are you able to recognize what comes from the Bible and what comes from the world?  It is important to know exactly what you stand for as a Christian.  How can you defend your faith if you don't understand it?
    When it comes to your relationship with God, you need zeal.  A zealous person will work hard to stay pure in spirit, mind, and body.  Our minds can be led astray from the truth so easily if we are not careful.  That is why it is important to read the Bible for yourself.  You have to know what you are fighting for to keep sincere and pure devotion to God.
    Satan is smart.  He has been around for a while.  He knows the Bible better than most people, but he doesn't understand the truth in it.  He can't comprehend the power it hold.  That is why all he can do is manipulate the truth.  That is why you need to know what the Bible says.  How can you understand the truth if you don't even know where to find it?  
    Use your brain and dig into the Bible.  Don't burden other people to carry your salvation when you can take care of it for yourself.  You are capable of recognizing a false profit.  A false profit is someone who claims to be a servant of Jesus, but twist the truth to serve their purposes.    That makes them servants of Satan even if they are not aware of it.
    Satan masquerades as an angel of light.  He was an angel once, so he knows how to play the role to perfection.  He is enticing, but God's truth is always the better choice.  Don't believe Satan's lies that portray as righteousness.  
    Be willing to look like a fool to the world and endure for God.  Life is dangerous.  You have to be strong and work hard to stay righteous.  If you have to boast, then boast about your weakness to bring attention to what God has done for you in life.  
    Trust that God will always provide what you need when you need it.  Don't give into doubt or you open the door to Satan's manipulations.  Use your testimony about what you have endured to encourage other Christians not to give up.  Be sure to use wisdom when you speak.

2 Corinthians 11

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