Wednesday, March 22, 2023

To Know Jesus


    When you read God's Word, do you rely on your knowledge, your memory, your feelings, or do you approach it new every time?  We can know the stories inside and out, but every time we approach the Bible it is approaching God in a relational manner.  It needs to be with renewed freshness and desire.  
    We all that those days, where we are just dragging ourselves out of bed and maybe feel like we aren't getting anything from what we read, but you never know what really sticks with you throughout the day.  You may have a day that just is impossible, but if you still read the Bible you will get something you need from it.  
    Reading the Bible is your safeguard in life.  It gives you a layer of protection that can't be seen or always felt, but is always there.  It sharpens your mind and soul.  It helps you live out your relationship with Jesus.  It is how you know Jesus.
    Watch out for evil people that do mean you harm in this world.  They may try to use your past against you, but the past is the past.  If you have a real relationship with Jesus, then the past hold no merit as long as you have repented it to Jesus.  He has given you righteousness through your faith.  It is time to embolden yourself and embrace it.
    Do you desire to really know Jesus?  If so it is time to really get to know him.  It is time to learn about his power and how it pertains to life.  It is not political.  It is not for self-gain.  It is about bringing glory to God.  It is obtained through fellowship.  You can't have fellowship if you don't have a relationship.
    Jesus suffered to the point of death.  Remember that when you feel alone, abandoned, or are suffering.  If he did that for you before you were even born, before you were even a part of his family, then you can trust that he will not abandon you now.  He is with you in all your suffering.  
    Have faith that no matter what you face in life that your soul will be resurrected.  It is time to press on and push through the hard times to be closer to Jesus.  It is in these moments that you can really know him.  It is part of maturing in your relationship.  It almost never happens when life is on the easy path.  We don't always remember how much we need him until our heart, soul, or body is in pain.  We are all a work in progress.
    As you mature your thinking will change.  Your actions will then follow.  The next thing you know you are living a different lifestyle.  Don't look back on the life style that was put on the cross.  Leave it alone and keep moving forward.  Keep moving toward Jesus.  Live up to what you can be in that relationship.  You are a citizen of Heaven.  Wear that honor as a crown for God's glory.  Live up to what it means to be an heir of Jesus: full of zeal, righteous, and blameless.  

Philippians 3

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