Saturday, May 13, 2023

Christian Ethics Part 2


    Jesus suffered in His human body worse than most people.  He felt fatigue.  He felt hunger.  He got hot and cold. He got angry.  He was as human as you and me, but he was also God which means he knew how to handle the human aspect better.  He used what he knew to teach us how to live a Bible-based Ethical life.  He taught us how to use the unpleasant aspects of life to follow God's will.
    Jesus began his ethics with attitude.  We need to be careful where we allow our attitude to go.  If we are led by feelings then we are never stable.  He have to control our feelings and face them rationally while still allowing ourselves to feel everything.  Feelings are meant to give us messages to pay attention, but not rule how we act.
    Jesus taught us how to live by God's standards, under His will.  That means that we do not dull our pain through addictions, pouring our pain out on other people, or any other type of distraction.  We need to face our pain.  If it is to much, then we need to face why it is too much and face what we can until we can face it all.  Remove any unrestrained behaviors, evil desires, addictions, sexual immorality, lawlessness, or idolatry from you so you can focus on God clearly.
    The end of time is coming.  We are expected to stay alert by being clear-minded and live in self-control.  This is why we pray through our feelings.  This is why we turn over what we can't face to God.  This is why we ask for clarity, strength, wisdom, and understanding.  We can not do it on our own.  We need God.  We need the Bible to understand the ethics that the Holy Spirit places on our hearts.  It goes deeper than human standards.
    God's ethics starts by learn to love other people.  People can make this very hard, but to be obedient to God we must learn how to obey.  Love covers a multitude of sins.  Use love to forgive and remove some burdens from yourself and enable the other person to seek forgiveness.  Be hospitable, so that you can take care of each other like God takes care of you.  You are His steward, so make sure your actions back up His words.  
    Use your spiritual gifts without grumbling.  You may feel taken advantage of, but that just means that you need to pray that more people will step up.  You can't do everything on your own.  Focus on what God has called you to do and try to delegate the areas that He has not called you to be in charge of.  Pour your life into your gifts to be used as the Holy Spirit directs.  Work in praise and glory to God and His power.  It is His power that enables you to do what you can do.  
    Trails will come.  They are painful, but rejoice through them because you are still alive.  Life is a precious gift from God.  Those that become martyrs died for God and are with Him now.  They lived and died in a way that will not be judged according to the flesh.  They died because they understood what comes next.  They were willing to die to live up to God's standards.
    The fiery ordeals come to remove all ungodly aspects from you.  This will leave you are stronger and more mature Christian.  If you do not persevere, then expect to keep facing the same trail until you do.  God will not stop until you accept the lesson that He is trying to give you or face what He is trying to show you.  They are meant to bring you closer to Him.  
    Do not be ashamed of your suffering.  It had a purpose.  He made you who you are today.  You are beautiful child of God.  If you are ashamed, then you are rejecting the gift that God has given you.  It is to be ashamed of your relationship with God.  You may not see it that way, but that is what it comes down to.  You suffered to bear His name, just like Jesus.  
    Even is people mar your name by persecuting you innocently like a murderer, thief, evil doer, or meddler, God and you know the truth.  Do not let their sin cause you to sin.  Endure like Jesus endured.  You may be judged by people, but you will be blessed in eternity.  Commit it over to be a part of your faith, to make it stronger.  Trust that God the Creator is continuing to do good in your life even if life is not good right now.

1 Peter 4

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