Thursday, May 11, 2023



    Submission is a word that sounds so confining and oppressive, but it is a word that can lead to personal empowerment.  Submission is an action, fact of accepting, or yielding to a superior force, authority, or person.  It removes some burdens that you do not have to carry and giving them over to God who will handle it much better.  
    Do right by your self by living a life of complete obedience to God.  Submission is a big part of obedience.  It starts with acknowledging who Jesus is and accepting the gift of salvation.  It starts with prayer.  Then you move on to remove all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander from your character.  You will grow and mature as a Christian.  God's Word will start to have more meaning in your life.  You will start to understand that you are part of a holy priesthood.
    True submission without a rebellious heart is possible when you crave the Holy Spirit to be a living sacrifice within your soul.  Disobedience is what leads to you stumbling, but we have the mercy of God.  He forgives our sins when our heart calls out to Him in repentance.  Then we can get back up and move forward with a fresh start in His eyes.  You were chosen by Him.  He called you out of darkness into His glorious light.
     Abstain from evil desires which war against your holy soul.  It is a choice to live a good life.  You have to make the choice every day to live honorably and glorify God.  When you do, then other people will see the power behind it and will follow your example to seek God.  You honor God through submission as your emperor.  You honor other people in brotherly love to honor God.
    It may be easy enough to submit to God because of who He is.  The hard part is part of submission is submitting to ALL authority.  It is not easy to submit to those that are horrible leaders.  It is even harder to submit to evil leaders.  That is why you have to learn boundaries.  They will inform you when they are pushing you to go against God's word.  You can submit and still do good.  You are not submitting to cover up evil, but to expose it.
    You submit to people as a free person (even if you are not free in the world's terms).  It is your choice to allow your soul to be free or confined.  No one can force you to submit in your heart, no even a dictator.  Submit to people as a servant of God and you will reveal their evil.  Show proper respect for the position in love and honor of God and their cruelty will be revealed.
    It is commendable to stand firm in your faith when enduring the pain of injustice.  You may suffer unjustly for your relationship with Jesus, but we still need to do good.  Endurance is commendable and God will not forget your suffering for His name.  Remember how Jesus suffered for you.  There is always a point to grief and suffering.  It highlights the evil in the darkness.
    What you do today leaves an example for the next generation.  Do not retaliate because that is adding evil on top of evil.  Instead live righteously despite the circumstances.  Your wounds will heal, even your soul wounds can heal if you allow the Holy Spirit to heal them.  The point is if you submit to God no matter what is happening, then you will keep other people from going astray.  You are the overseer of your soul.  

1 Peter 2

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