Thursday, November 16, 2023



    It is time to refocus.  It is time to move forward in our walk with God.  It is time to know and understand our mission as a united church.  We know it time, but what we may not know is how.  We need to find vision.  Without vision we become stagnant.  
    We need leadership based on people walking with Jesus faithfully.  Leadership should never be about popularity.  The person you may not like may be the person to get the job done.  You can respect the person without liking them.  We need to push past initial discomfort to be intentional and fundamental to illuminate the world with the light of Jesus.
    Leadership in the church is the spiritual authority.  They are responsible for upholding God's covenant in the community.  They have to be intentional and open hearted at the same time.  Otherwise things will fall apart.  They have to have the mindset and spirit to refuse to demonize those that think differently.  You don't always have to agree, but you do need to be respectful. 
    It starts with prayer.  We will get stronger together if we pray together.  To live like Jesus is to be dependent on prayer.  As the body of Christ, we need to unite in corporate prayer.  That means coming together to pray as one.  We need to find out who the intercessor prayer warriors are and have them lead us in prayer time.
    We need to allow children to worship.  They need to be allowed to display their love for Jesus in music, play, and shows for the adults. We can find out inner child if we pay attention to the children.  We need to teach children and not just be baby sitters in the church.  We need to get the teens active in church.  If you don't get them involved when they are young, it is much harder to get them involved as young adult and older.  If they don't have a connection to the church, then they are more likely to leave the church and not return.
    Evangelism is vital to refocus the church on Jesus.  We need to plan short term mission trips.  We need to fund long-term missionaries.  We need to follow Jesus where He leads and we are the missionaries.  It is all about being fishers of men and coming together to be strong in doing it.  It may need faith training and activities.  However, in reality if Jesus is leading you, then the Holy Spirit will direct you in the moment.  
    Don't become tied down to training and education to the point you can't see God's direction for you.  That said, it is good to always be a student of God's Word if nothing else.  He gave us all a fabulous mind.  We need to use it and never stop growing and learning.  Part of it is growing in your spiritual maturity.  
    You need to find accountability partner(s).  People that love you can reveal aspects that you have ignored, gotten used to, or are not aware of about yourself.  This can be a huge education for you, but it has to be handled in love.  Another aspect it to assimilate into the church.  Don't be a mere attender.  Be a part of the church. Put your faith into action.  If you can't find your place at that church, then you need to find a church where you can be involved in the community with the church.
    Worship is being proactive.  It is seeking God with expectations that He will show up.  It is finding warm friends within the church.  Some people worship through music, choir,  Sunday school, and some through fellowship.  When you come together as a church to worship, then you need to put away your phones.  It is time for interaction.  Be committed to be present and learn how to communicate without technology.
    To refocus on where you want to go with God, you need to be prepared to make changes.  Start with prayer.  As the prayer directs you, you will find your evangelism, leadership, holy attitude, finances, and facilities needed.  Focus on unity instead of individuality.  Focus on being a part of the kingdom based church.  
    Find revival for yourself.  You can't lead anyone if you are spiritually dead or in a coma.  Refine your attitude daily to be heaven bound and don't be sidetracked by evil things.  Find what is good, pleasing, and perfect for your walk with Jesus to find true peace.

Psalm 1, Proverbs 4:23-27, Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 10:1-8, & Philippians 4:8-9

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