Thursday, December 28, 2023

The Right Plan


    It is good to make plans, but it is wise to make plans with God.  He has plans for you and a design for your life.  It is important to make sure that they align.  Without a plan you will be aimless in life.  However, planning without a plan with God will lead you only to closed doors or temporary solutions.
    Planning is important because it gives motivation to your life.  A person with no plans tends to be lazy. A lazy person is slothful and their lives become a waste.  They are more likely to succumb to Murphey's law of negative thinking and sour attitude as their lives become a disappointment.  Lazy people tent to be afflicted with entitlement.  They think they deserve what they want for just being who they are.
    A good plan has a location, duration, strategy, desired outcome, and launch date.  Nothing will ever happen if you don't set small obtainable goals with time frames.  The right plan also needs to be adjustable for changes that will inevitably occur.  
    A good planner values all of their resources.  They work toward production to have a sense of accomplishment.  Along the way they are developing good habits for life.  The new habits can be a turning point in their lives.  These habits include God because making plans without God is a sin.  It puts all His glory on you and it is not yours to have.  Glory belongs to God.
    We all need plans in life.  We need the ultimate plan of salvation to makes sure we do not become aimless in life.  Salvation gives you the motivation to work for the eternal life just as had as the life you are living now.  An aimless life is a hazard for the person and those that end up having to clean up after them.
    If you are not seeing any good changes in life, then it is time to change up your plan.  Life is cause and affect.  If you want good things in life, then you need to be prepared to work for them.  You need to do good things to reap the reward.  It is insanity to do the same thing over and over and expect different results.  Don't live an insane life.  Trust God and go to Him with your plans and let Him help you shape or reshape your life plans.  Be adaptable to change what needs to be changed.

Psalm 2:1-3, Isaiah 30:1-5, Acts 2:22-24, Romans 16:25-27, & James 4:13-17

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