Monday, January 29, 2024

Never Alone in the Journey


    In your life journey there are times that you feel alone, but you need to remember that you are not.  When life looks bleak, you just need to endure.  Things will get better.  It is full of valleys, hills, and mountaintops.  You never stay in the same place very long.  We are all changing.  Just focus on how you want to change.
    Elizabeth became a mother when she was past the point of menopause.  It was scientifically too late for her, but she still got pregnant because that is what God wanted.  She had given up on that dream or hope.  She had accepted her motherless status and still found joy in life.  What a shock it must have been for her to discover that the dream was renewed.
    Her new status in life was part of God fulfilling His Word.  The faith of Elizabeth and her husband granted them this special blessing.  They had no idea how things would turn out, but they got years with the special child that was born to be set apart.  They got to raise him in the way that God commanded and watch him become the man God had created him to be.  It was an honor that they cherished.  They were obedient to God's commands in how they raised John, even in naming him.
    Sarah was another woman that conceived her son by faith alone.  Years before God had promised her a family and she never forgot.  She was blessed with Isaac because it was promised by God.  Both ladies could have turned their backs on God when life didn't go the way they wanted, but they persevered and found joy in the journey.
    What has God promised you?  If you can't think of one thing, then it is time to get into His Word and prayer.  You need to hold onto the promises of God when life is really hard.  It is what keeps you from giving up.  It is what gives you light in the darkest moments.  He is with you in those moments too.  He doesn't abandon you just because things are not pretty or perfect.  He can help you thrive in the hardest parts of life.
    Death is a part of your journey.  It is some thing a lot of people are afraid of, but you don't have to be afraid or anxious.  It is mysterious and unknown, but it can be a gift too.  It can be when you enter heaven.  If it is the entrance into hell, then you have every right to be afraid.  You don't need to go there, but you do need to understand that those are the only two options.  There are no other ways after death.  That was a promise of God too.
    What do you want on your tombstone?  What do you want to leave behind?  What do you want your legacy to be?  This is what will direct your journey now.  God has been faithful throughout your journey.  He has never left you.  Will you be faithful in return?  Don't allow doubt to enter your mind or it will cripple your walk.  It will take years off of your journey.  Be strong and courageous enough to trust God's promises and walk confidently throughout life.

Deuteronomy 31:4-8, Joshua 1:6-9, Psalm 56:5-8, Luke 1:57-66, John 14:15-21, & Hebrews 11:11-12

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