Everyone has lessons to learn in life. The question is do you learn your lessons or do you keep repeating them? If you want to grow as a person and in your relationship with God, then you have to learn your lessons. God will personalize the lessons to give you the most impact.
Part of learning your lessons is learning who to trust. When the majority says something is right, it will sound like the logical solution, but just because the majority thinks something is good does not make it good. If the majority is influenced by evil, then their choices are evil.
Do not reject the truth because it makes your life easier. Work to find the truth. Pray over every decision down to the clothes you wear. Do not accept any lie that Satan has planted in deception as truth. It is your choice to listen to lies or reject them. Make an educated and faithful decision. Following the influence of Satan blindly is very dangerous. It will lead to your death, spiritual and physical.
Do not resort to schemes to get to through your life lessons. Hiding from the truth does not change the truth. God will not let you hide forever. He will send people or an event to get your attention. Do not depend on people. We are all fickle in one manner or another. No person, no matter how good they are, are as safe as God. Let Him direct every relationship you have.
Do not be the person that drags your friends, family, or co-workers down. Be the person that learns your lessons and use them to help people up while they are learning their lessons. It is not cheating to help each other out. It is a failure if you cause each other to fail.
God's plans will be fulfilled no matter what people do to make things happen how they want them to happen. It is part of learning your lessons to learn it is better to follow God than to fight Him. There is no use in trying to lie, use charades, or misguide people to manipulate them to fulfill your desires. God will reveal the truth no matter what you do to try to hide it.
Nothing is random with God. Do not be a spiritual harlot that uses schemes to try to outwit God. You will end up looking like a fool. You reveal that you never learn your lessons. You miss out on the blessing of following God. You will never outwit God, so why even try. It is a waste of time and energy.
No one can fight God and win. Satan and angels are stronger than you and they can't defeat God, so why would you think you could. Life will play out and you will have your part, but do you want it to be for the greater good or for evil? God knows all the elements and how they will play out. Why not trust Him wisdom and foresight?
If you try to speed up the process, then you reveal that you never learned patience, wisdom, or time management. The fast track does not bring blessings. You are trying to skip a ton of life lessons that you need to succeed. Keeping pace with Jesus is the only lesson that will lead to success.
One day Jesus will return. He will reveal the truth to everyone who refused to learn. All the people pretending to be Christians, but living like the world will be exposed. All the doomed souls will head to their eternal torture. Now is when you need to learn your lessons and start following Jesus, so you don't have to face eternal judgment.
You don't know if you will get another opportunity even if you think you have a ton of time. Now is the time to pray to find salvation. If you are a Christian now is the time to get back on track. If you are on track, now is the time to pray to see if there is anything you have blocked out of your peripheral vision, so you can expose it yourself.
Turn everything that does not bring eternal peace over to God. All the lessons leads to having a strong and intimate relationship with God. Pray to hear His voice in every aspect of your life, so you can walk in harmony with Him.
1 Kings 22:29-40, Proverbs 21:6-11, Ecclesiastes 12:9-12, Romans 1:24-27, & 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12
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