Dinosaurs did not evolve from any other animal or creature. God created them to be giant beast on the the sixth day of creation. They were a masterpiece that came from His imagination. Evolution is an imaginative science, but has nothing to support it. True science weighs the evidence for truth.
DNA is true science. God created DNA to make claim on all of His creations. It is brilliant and it designs each living thing from the start to the end.
God's creation and how He left things behind for people to explore can also prove that we have a young earth. It is only about 4,500-6,000 years old. Really read the Bible, you can create a Bible calendar on your own. Learn to ask good questions in your one on one time with God and then read in search for your answer.
The Bible supports science. God was the original scientist. He knew one day people would want to learn more about Him and He opened the door for that. It is a way that He reveals Himself to people if they do not turn science into their god.
Humans were anointed to be the caretakers of all animals throughout the world. It is good to pursuit understanding of the job to maintain and uphold life. We can pursue God's glory in science. His spirit is with all Christians to help guide us in our journey of discovering who we really are, purpose, life, Him, and building the church to honor Him.
Sin is sin. It is sin that causes are the problems. It causes division, isolation from God, illnesses of all kinds, ignorance, and so much more. It ultimately leads to death. We can't avoid the unpleasant to just focus on what is nice and beautiful. We have to have the strength to face the truth to be able to do better. To be able to do more. Look away from the worldview and seek to have a Christlike view of the world. Allow the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the world you do not see to find the truth.
Genesis 1:24-28, Job 40:15-24, Psalm 74:12-17, Isaiah 27:1, & 1 Peter 3:13-17
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