Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Rainbow


    The rainbow was created to follow rain to represent God's promise to never flood the entire world again.  It is the light that God created that fragments in the sky.  It is when the internal reflection and dispersion of light in the water droplets that are still in the upper atmosphere causing the light to appear in multiple colors in an arc formation.
    The rainbow always has the same seven colors in the same order every time.  It is a beautiful spectrum of God's gentle side.  The colors are red, orange, indigo, blue, green, purple, and violet.  Sometimes they seem to blend into each other, but they are separate.  It all depends on the angle that the sun light hits.  You will never be able to stand under or find the end of the rainbow.  
    The rainbow is a sign of God's promise.  It is the symbol of His covenant made with Noah that He would not destroy life in the same way.  God has promised to destroy life again, but it will not be through a flood.
    The rainbow represents the first covenant God ever made with man and is listed seven times to define it's finality.  Repetition is important to in steal security in people.  The rainbow is supposed to bring joy because it is a reminder of cleansing.  There was no blood needed for this covenant of redemption.  It is an everlasting covenant with every person that ever lives.
    This is pride month.  It goes against God that people have turned the rainbow into something He calls wicked.  The rainbow represents the destruction of pride, but people have turned it into being proud to be wicked.  Christians reclaim this month as a holy month.  We reclaim the rainbow to represents God's promises.
    The Rainbow Covenant states that people are not to eat any animal with blood still in it.  It includes that no person is to ever kill another person.  If anyone murders another person, then they are to be put to death.  There is a difference between an accident and intent.  Murder is killing the image of God, so it is destroying His creation.  In return God will never destroy the world through water again.  The clouds are reminder to people and God of this everlasting covenant.

Genesis 9:1-17

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