Friday, August 23, 2024

Addressing Lies


    Lies are statements that are given as truth, but are actually false with the intent to deceive someone.  It is easy to see why that is a sin.  However, there is a grey area where people get confused.  Lies by omission are still lies.  Giving half truth to deceive or manipulate a situation is still a lie.  Anything that is done intentionally that keeps someone from making a fully informed decision is a lie.
    Accusations that are not true are a lie.  This is when lying gets complicated because it can ruin a person's reputation, career, marriage, and more.  The reasons behind these lies vary, but it basically comes down to the liar protecting something that they have at the expense of someone else.
    Pilot knew that the Pharisee's accusations against Jesus was a lie.  He was smart enough to see the truth, but not smart enough to figure a way out of his situation.  He had no idea he was a pawn in a supernatural arena, but he did at least try to do the right things.  It was a weak attempt, but he did call out the lie.
    Pilot didn't are if Jesus called himself king of the Jews.  Pilot was not worried about Jesus other throwing the Roman empire.  He just did not understand the full extent of what Jesus was telling him.  However, he was not the only one.  Everyone kept getting it wrong over and over even though Jesus explained it easily enough.  Their brains just could not except the truth behind what he was claiming.  Not yet at least.
    Jesus' Kingdom is not a worldly kingdom.  His is supernatural that covers the world, but exceeds it by also holding all the supernatural elements of Heaven too.  He even reigns over hell, but it is a one way entrance where nothing that goes in will ever come out.  That is why his kingdom embraces peace, holiness, glory, victory over everything evil, and so much more.
    Jesus claimed his position three times and Revelations goes into details on how the end will play out and he will have no more opposition.  However, our brains can't fully comprehend that prophecy.  I am sure we get a lot of things wrong, but the end is clear.  Jesus will be the conquering king displaying his full power.
    Jerusalem held 3,000 soldiers, but Jesus' army holds 12 legions (12,000) angels.  If Jesus wanted the final battle to be that day, he would have easily won.  He did not want to be a human king.  That is not why he had made himself human.  He was there to do this final sacrifice to open the doors for anyone who seeks salvation.  Now we can have it.
    Jesus' confession was a good confession.  It was honest.  He held nothing back, but he did not give too much information because it is meaningless on ears that refuse to really hear.  Jesus is kings of kings.  We are still witnesses of that truth.  Truth is the only defense you have against lies.  The truth will set you free, even if it doesn't release you from consequences for past deceit.  It removes the burden of the world's lies.  When you embrace the truth, you bear witness and it enables you to obey Jesus without a fight.

Proverbs 6:16-23, Matthew 26:31-35, John 18:28-40, Colossians 3:5-10, & 1 Timothy 6:11-21

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