Monday, September 2, 2024

Trustworthy Blessing


    Fear is not a welcome feeling.  It steals joy, comfort, contentment, and peace of mind.  The only thing to fight fear is to trust in  God.  David was a fugitive from King Saul.  He had to hide in a cave to survive and over time others joined him.  Fear for his life and his people's lives could have crushed him, but instead he praised God.
    When fear tries to overtake you, prayer without ceasing.  Worship God for who He is.  Be vocal about what God is doing in your life.  Count off all the current blessings.  Remember all the times that you know of that He has protected you.  There is no reason why He would not protect you now.
    When there is fear in a group setting, get other people to join you in praising God.  Praise and worship displays trust.  When you live out your trust, then there is no room for fear.  It can make all the difference in a bad circumstance.  The secret to defeating fear and living in integrity is to seek God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  They are not hiding.  There are there.
    This will lifestyle and attitude will make you trustworthy amongst your peers.  It can't be forced.  If you are acting then you will get your reward in life, but if it comes from a true place in your heart then your blessings will be stored in Heaven.  
    When you are distressed cry out to God.  He will hear you.  Turn to Him instead of trying to fix it or find answers on your own.  That will only lead to more problems.  Instead, trust God to deliver you from the circumstance.  Live out your trust in God and other people will trust you.  

1 Samuel 21-22, Psalm 34, 56:1-4, Proverbs 3:5-6, & James 1:16-18

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