Sunday, October 6, 2024



    When reading the Bible it is important to know how to follow the stories.  It is important to understand what you are reading and why it is still significant today.  Some people in the Bible have very small roles, but they were recorded by name for a reason.  
    Ahijah in Hebrew is אֲחִיָּה (ʾĂḥīyyā) .  It means "brother of Yah".  In Latin and Douay–Rheims it is Ahias.  Ahijah was serval people in the Bible, but only two that stood out.  They had small roles that contributed to a bigger picture.  The first Ahijah was as a priest in the time of King Saul.  The second Ahijah was a prophet to Jeroboam.  
    The Ahijah that was a priest under Saul's reign was with Saul and his 600 soldiers waiting for battle with the Philistines.  He wore his priestly attire as his armor.  He was the son of Ichabod and brother to Ahitub.  Basically he came from a long line of priest.
    Under their noses, Jonathan boldly snuck out to confront the Philistines in his own way.  The Philistines were not afraid.  That was the advantage point for Jonathan.  He was able to slay them because they did not see him as a threat when he was alone with only a armor bearer.  The two killed about 20 men over half an acre.  Suddenly there was panic in the Philistine camp because they did not know where the threat was.  
    Saul's army watched as the Philistines scattered thinking it looked odd.  Saul must have suspected something because he commanded a role call to see who was missing.  When he learned it was his son, he shouted to Ahijah to come.  Ahijah obeyed.  
    The two were talking when when the confusion in the Philistine camp was growing, so they decided to stop strategizing and act.  When they arrived the Philistines were killing each other in the confusion.  God saved Israel that day due to each person playing a small role.  Ahijah's role was the spiritual leader to stand fast, so the soldiers would not be afraid.
    Jeroboam was a rebel leader that fought against Solomon.  Solomon was rebuilding the City of David.  He saw how industrious Jeroboam was, so he put him in charge of the labor force.  Solomon was investing in the young man to help make him in life to achieve what he wanted.  
    The prophet Ahijah met Jeroboam.  When they met they were alone in a field.  Ahijah was dressed nicely in his new robe, but he took it off and tore it into 12 pieces.  He told Jeroboam to take 10 pieces to represent his prophecy.  God had told Ahijah that He was going to tear the nation apart and 10 tribes would go to Jeroboam.  Solomon would get one tribe because of David.  The Levites (priest) were the 12th tribe.  They belonged to God.
    Solomon was being punished for abandoning God to include the gods of his wives.  He stopped following God to go his own way.  As long as national leaders follow God, then they will have their hearts desires because He rules over them.  They will have a strong and thriving nation.  
    Solomon was wise, smart, a business man, and a good person by human standards, but that means nothing to God.  All he wants is your heart.  Solomon learned about Jeroboam's rebellion to become king and tried to kill Jeroboam, but God was protecting Jeroboam.  This is a majorly impactful story for a nation.  Ahijah's role was so small, but it was the key to understanding why the nation was divided the way it was.

1 Samuel 14:1-23 & 1 Kings 11:26-40

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      When reading the Bible it is important to know how to follow the stories.  It is important to understand what you are reading and why ...