Friday, October 11, 2024



    Alabaster is a white color.  In the Bible is a white marble like stone used to make perfumes, oils, & ointments.  It was used because it was a hard crystalline stone that would keep fine things like oil from spoiling.  It would have a wax seal, so it would keep the perfume from leaking or loosing it's smell over time.  Solomon liked it to decorate which means it was practical and beautiful.  Appreciate the beauty that God has put in front of you. 
   Two days before the Passover Jesus was in Bethany.   He was in the home of Simon, a man healed of leprosy.  While he was eating a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar full of expensive perfume made from the essence of nard.  She opened the jar and poured the whole jar over Jesus' head.  
    Some of Jesus' disciples were indignant thinking it was wasteful.  I mean it was worth a small fortune, so think of all the ways the money could have been spent.  It was worth a year's income.  Instead of thinking monetary, take what God has given you to use in loving service.  
    Jesus however had a clearer perspective.  He would not let his disciples criticize the woman.  Yes the money could have been spent on the poor, but there will always be poor people.  He told them to help the poor when and where they could, but He would not always be among them.  
    Her act of love had prepared his body for burial, so her deed will never be forgotten.  We will never know her name, but we remember her deed.   Acts of love mean more than spending money to try to fix a solution.  Do not do things to have personal glory, get attention, or to be remembered.  Do good things out of serving God and loving people.  

Matthew 26:6-12 & Mark 14:1-9

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      Alabaster is a white color.  In the Bible is a white marble like stone used to make perfumes, oils, & ointments.  It was used beca...