Friday, October 18, 2024



    Alienated in Hebrew is lenaker (לְנַכֵּר). In Greek it is  Apoxenoménos (Αποξενωμένος).  In Latin it is Alienatus.  It means to make distant.  It means you belong to another place.  It describes a person separated or estranged from their people.  It was introduced into the English language in the early 1500s.
    God's nation became like a prostitute selling themselves to idols.  It was literally painted on the walls.  It displayed luxury and finery.  It means that people sold themselves to the enemy to get what they wanted in the moment.  It was happiness that would never sustain itself.  God considers this adultery against Him because His people defiled their covenant with Him.  When we do this, we alienate ourselves from God.  Idolatry pollutes your mind and relationship with God.
    To honor God and make Him happy with you is simple.  You need to live an obedient lifestyle.  He does not take advantage of that attitude like people do.  You will never be able to make yourself right with God on your own.  You need Him to initiate the change.  Once you start following Jesus, your perspective changes and you can see the truth more clearly.  However, if you choose religion over a relationship with God, then you are actually only alienating yourself from God by making yourself your own god.  Religion has you fall from His grace.  It doesn't save you.
    Be grateful for what you have in life and see how God has always provided when you needed it.  He send people to help you.  He gives you gifts that are all around you.  You just need to be able to see and appreciate them.  Be willing to make small sacrifices in life for your relationship with God and you will be found acceptable and pleasing to God.  You will discover glorious riches of different kinds.  The eternal glory of God is the most important.  Understanding without action leads to eternal alienation from God and all His glory.  Ignorance is not an option.  A heart that follows Jesus will seek the truth.
    Once upon a time we were all enemies of God.  We were all alienated, but at some point you make a decision to follow and become a part of His family or to stay alienated.  God is the only one that can separate you from your evil thoughts and desires.  It all starts with salvation.  The moment that you choose faith in Jesus to be a part of you, you enter God's presence in a new way.  You automatically become blameless.  After that is is just maintenance.  
    To stay alienated is to be stuck in wickedness with no hope for your mind or soul.  Choose to reconcile with God and discover a freedom you could never imagine.  Find out how much easier it is to handle life without all the burdens that the world places on your shoulders.

Ezekiel 23:14-17, Galatians 5:2-4, Ephesians 4:18-20, & Colossians 1:21-22

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