Friday, November 1, 2024



    Alms is a term that refers to giving to the poor or giving motivation through love and compassion.  It originated from the Greek word eleemosynary (ἐλεημοσύνη).  Eleemosynary means "merciful".  That is why you will not find the term used in the Bible until the new testament.  Greek came later.  In Hebrew the closest thing is tzedakah which means "righteous".  In Aramaic, alms is צדקתא which translates to "almsgiving".  In Latin it is eleemosyna which is very close to the Greek word.
    Watch out for your motives.  If you are doing good deeds to feel good or to be seen, then all the reward you will get is in this world.  If you want your reward to be in Heaven, then your motivation to give alms needs to be from a humble and loving heart.  Compassion needs to be what drives you.  
    Do not embarrass the person you are helping by announcing it to the world.  It can't be easy for them to be where they are in life.  You do not have to tear other people down to make yourself look good.  When you help people, then don't think about it.  Do the deed and move on without ever saying a word to anyone.  It needs to be private to honor God.  He reads your heart and His opinion matters more than other people's.
    One day when Jesus was speaking to the public, a Pharisee invited Jesus to his home for a meal.  When they arrived, Jesus sat down to eat.  The Pharisee was offended that Jesus did not first wash his hands to perform a cleansing ritual that was required in the Jewish culture.  Jesus responded that the Pharisees were so concerned about outward appearances that they didn't realize how filthy they were on the inside from the greed and wicked hearts.      
    Cornelius was a Roman officer in Caesarea.  He was a captain of the Italian Regiment which means he knew how to lead and held power in his circle of influence.  He was also devout to God along with everyone in his household.  He was generous to give alms to the poor.  One day around 3pm, and angel of God came to him calling his name.  He was blessed because of his fear and devotion to God.
    It is foolish to be so concerned with outward cleanliness when you do nothing to make the inside clean.  Focus on cleaning the heart and soul by giving alms.  The cleaner you are on the inside will affect the cleanliness on the outside.
    Look at all that you have in your life.  Take note of how blessed you are.  In your heart, you need to be ready to part with all of it.  Give what you can to the poor, not because the government or someone else makes you.  Give what you have out of love and compassion.  
    If you do not have that love and compassion, then keep it all.  It is all you will have in life.  You can never out give God.  If you loose all you have today, then God can replace it and multiply it.  What God gives, no one can take away.  Wherever your treasure is, your heart will be, so evaluate your heart today.

Matthew 6:1-4, Luke 11:37-41, 12:33-24, & Acts 10:1-3

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