Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Destroy Doubt


    Jesus is God.  He is God in the son format.  He is God in a human body.  He did choose to die because he could have stopped it.  He could have stopped it because he is all powerful, but he held back almost all his power to live among people.  He rose himself from the dead to show people who he really is for 40 more days.  Then he ascended to Heaven in his human body, still alive.
    You may have doubts about these facts.  You may have doubts about how he lived his life.  You may have doubts about many aspects of the truth that comes from the Bible.  That is okay as long as you are willing to work through them.  Are you open to something different than what you understand?  You have to be to destroy doubt.
    Jesus can't be denied.  You can deny him until you die, but one day you will face him.  What will your excuse be on why you chose not to believe?  There are so many witnesses that did not know each other that encountered Jesus.  That encounter became their testimony and people like Luke went and sought them out to record their testimony for the Bible.
    People who sought the truth and listened to God are the people who wrote the Bible.  It was written by several different people over a span of 2,000 years more or less, but it was God breathed (inspired).  If you can allow yourself to believe in the truth about Jesus, then you can face him in death with a clear conscience.  The reality is that He is the only way to salvation.  How you get there will vary, but He is the only way.
    Some of the biggest persecutors of followers of Jesus became believers.  Saul became Paul after his conversion.  It still happens today.  People who hate everything about Jesus encounter him and become Christians.  They didn't want it, but once you meet him, you can't deny who he is.  They are not meeting him face to face, but he reaches out to them where they are.  He is trying to do the same with you too.
    Jesus' resurrection is all encompassing power.  It started with the earth responded like an earthquake.  The dead began to rise for a while.  Faith came alive in a new way.  All the blockers that kept people away from God were removed.  It became a lot easier to have a real relationship with God.  The truth was released, so that we can live free now and face Jesus as part of the family later.

Proverbs 3:5-6, Matthew 27:50-54, Hebrew 11:1-3, & James 1:2-8

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