Wednesday, January 8, 2025

God's Will


    Do you know what God's will is for you?  The number one things is that He wants a relationship with you.  He seeks to be close to you, but He can't be near sin.  That means you are as close to God as you want to be.  It also means to be close to Him, you have to be obedient.
    Jesus shows us the way in following God's Will.  He revealed that every person is more than the general public or a number.  God has a specific purpose and desired relationship with each person.  You matter.  After salvation, you spend time learning God's specific will and how to be obedient.  You learn about the armor of God and how to use it.
    Everyone has a different household, but to be in God's will you have control over your house.  Control over your house is control over your spending, how clean your house is, keeping what lives in your house alive through nurture, and more.  If you have a family it is submitting your family to God and praying over them daily.  It is living a holy lifestyle that will teach them to follow Jesus.  It is doing everything you can to keep a close and healthy family together, but it all starts with you.
    I have been going over how to lay your foundation.  Knowing God's will for your life is how you build on your foundation of faith.  It starts with God's love and it will end in God's love.  What you do with that love is up to you.  To have a beautifully faithful life you need to have an intimate prayer life.  You have to be willing to walk in faith no matter the obstacles.  You have to know and understand God's Word and that takes time.  Lastly you have to believe in Jesus and accept salvation.
    God is the author and creator of all that is good, pure, and Holy in this world.  He provided us with the full armor of God to help us fight against evil.  It is a battle, but not like the battles you read about or watch.  This is a spiritual battle for your mind and soul.  If Satan can break you, then he destroys your testimony.  
    Standing firm with God makes you a powerful soldier in God's army.  You are powerful because of faith, not because of anything you did.  God is the source of true strength, love, and all things good.  The truth will not stay hidden.  Embrace the freedom of living in God's will.  God's will is all about love.

Galatians 5:13-26, Ephesians 1:9-11, 5:15-20, & 6:10-18

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