The church shows love through their actions and behavior. Hospitality is important, but the people have to get to the church for that to matter. The church needs to see Jesus' love through how we live in the world. Use your gifts in church, but display Jesus' love in the world. Be what draws them to the church.
Acts of Christians love are humility, gentleness, peace, and patience. None of these traits come naturally. God has to develop them in us. We are not to judge the people of the world because they are already under God's judgment. Christians are to judge each other in love to be held accountable in honoring God in our lives. When you do judge, do so with the effort of unity within the church.
Patience requires practice. We have to practice being patient with people who are not where we are or people that may feel like are slowing us down in life: physically and spiritually. Patience is a key sign of loving people God's way. It maintains unity and provides a sense that the church is looking out for each other. Be honest with who you are and surrender all that does not profit your soul to God.
Impatience is being self-centered, controlling, your timing matters more, and elevating self over Jesus. The only way to work on that is to focus on turning your life into a life of service. You start focusing on other people instead of yourself. Seek how to help instead of how you need help. When you gain patience, it brings along humility.
Gentleness is choosing a life that goes against violence and hate. It is deciding to love people the way God loves you. You seek out to be receptive of people's needs. You try to see other perspectives and figure out how Jesus would handle the situation. You stand up for what is right and for by focusing on healthy relationships. You do not force your terms, voice to be heard, or taking aggressive action. You chose a life of respect where people will listen when you speak.
John 4:19-24, Romans 12:3-8, Ephesians 4:1-16, & Philippians 2:5-11
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