Saturday, November 9, 2019

Are you Weak or Strong?

     A person who has strong faith is able to accept those whom have weak faith without judging them. The strong do not condemn those whom are weaker because they know that God accepted them.  The strong serve God as they are convicted without thinking about what the church will have to say about it.  Their lives are not their own, so they don't have time to be consumed by disapproval or gossip.  They hold themselves accountable to God only.
     The point is that people need to stop judging each other.  We judge in such a way that we don't even realize that we are judging people.  However, we need to stop and think before we become a stumbling block that keeps people away from God.  Life has enough obstacle, so we do not need to add more.  The argument over what is okay to eat and drink is meaningless.
     Everyone has different levels of being pure for God.  Some are super restrictive and others are able to handle a level of freedom.  If you are aware, then do not make them feel pressured to change.  You can ask them to explain, but don't judge the answer.  It is weakness to cause other believers to distress over their walk.  
     God's kingdom is about righteousness, peace, and joy.  That is what we need to work on with the Holy Spirit.  If it is a joint effort, then it can't be wrong.  Your life is about serving God in a way that He finds pleasing.  That includes edifying and leading to the direction of peace.  
     If you have doubts or are confused on certain topics, then that is something you need to work out with God.  Do not force your ideas or convictions upon other people with a condemning attitude.  That is not a life of faith, but a life given into sin.  God blessed those whom do not condemn but encourage.

Romans 14

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