Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Discover Fellowship

     Fellowship is so important because God created us to need each other.  We are not designed to live out our lives alone.  However, so many people (Christian and Non-Christian) have decided that it is easier to live that way.  
     The church has run people out of their fellowship before considering the long-term consequences.  Before shunning someone because they are not like you, think about how this might be the churches last chance to show them love.  I am not saying people don't have personal responsibility because they do.  Each person needs to decide to stay connected and push through issues.  We just don't know where they are in their walk or if they leave and are unbelievers if it is the last chance to reach them.
     The act of fellowship is greeting each other with open arms.  We help each other no matter how inconvenient it may be or possibly difficult.  In doing these small acts we are praising God and showing Jesus respect for His sacrifice.  It is living life together celebrating what God has done and mourning together over what He may have taken back.  
     Be weary of those whom try to cause division.  Avoid people like that or they will influence you over time.  They may sound like they know what they are talking about, but they have a deceptive mind.  Seek to be wise by avoiding all evil.  Good friends will always help you in this pursuit.  It is good to recognize those whom help you in your journey and ministry.

Romans 16

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