Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving

     What are you thankful today?  I am thankful for my house and being able to provide for me and my four legged family.  I am thankful to have Vader this year, since a year ago I had to put his twin down.  I didn't think he would live long after losing her.   I am thankful for adopting Pete yesterday.  Please. pray over them.  Pete has an upper raspatory infection.  Vader decided he did not like Pete once we got home.  He does not like sharing me or his space.  I am thankful that I have to next Wednesday to see if I can make this work.  The last thing I want to do is to return Pete.
     I am thankful for my relationship with Jesus.  I am thankful that He chose me and never let me go no matter how difficult I can be.  He teaches peace.  He shows us how to avoid quarrelling, so that we can live in victory.
     I am thankful for how Jesus taught us what is real healing.  He declared how we have to have the Holy Spirit to be able to defeat the demonic world.  He will scatter all that are against Him.  Anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will be scattered.  We all say foolish things in ignorance or the in the heat of the moment.  That can be forgiven unless you denounce or insult the Holy Spirit.  How you live your everyday life, not just in church, tells the world who you are.  The Holy Spirit is not fooled by good behavior alone.  He understands the heart too well.
    I am thankful for faith.  Who doesn't like a little mystery in their life?  It can be hard to live by faith at times, but it is a better life.  
     I am thankful to be an adopted member of His family.  That means I will never be returned.  It means that I am loved no matter what.  The good news is that we can all be a part of this family where dysfunction does not exist.  Humans invented dysfunction through sin.  God heals it.

Matthew 12:15-50

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