Friday, November 15, 2019

A Time to Run

     There is a difference between being a coward running from your responsibility and running from trouble.  It takes time and the Holy Spirit's guidance to give you the wisdom at times to know the difference.  I think we all prefer the easier path of less resistance.  Maybe the path that looks clear and shows promise.  However, appearances can be deceiving.
     Joseph had a huge responsibility that he could have run from.  Instead, he took charge and became the father figure in Jesus's life.  He chose to stay and embrace what probably seemed like an impossible task, raising God's son.  Everytime God's angel came to him, he took action.
     Joseph took his family to Egypt in the cover of the night.  He took this burdomson journey to save Jesus' life from King Herod.  They stayed in Egypt until Herod died and the angel said he could return.  This fulfilled another prophecy.  Joseph did what he had to do to protect his family no matter how difficult the challenge.
     While they were in Egypt, King Herod ordered that every boy under the age of two to be murdered.  This act also fulfilled a woeful prophecy.  All the fulfilled prophecies prove who Jesus is to the world.
     After the family's time in Egypt, they went to Israel, but he heard that Archelaus (Herod's son) had replaced Herod.  He decided to take his family to Galilee, to the city Nazareth to live.  This too fulfilled a prophecy that the Messiah was a Nazarene.

Matthew 2: 13-23

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