Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Times of Doubt

     When a person is a strong Christian it may surprise people that they have their moments of doubt.  You can have true salvation and still discover that you may have some doubts.  That is why it is called working out your Christianity.  God works with you to remove those doubts.  You just need to go to Him about them.  He may send people into your life to help you work through things.
     John had given his entire life preparing the way for Jesus.  John loved his cousin.  He knew the truth, but when he was seeing his life of sacrifice, without visible rewards, he had a moment of doubt.  He sent his disciples to Jesus for confirmation.  He probably felt alone and just wanted a little comfort that his life did have meaning.  He basically needed Jesus to say I understand and that I love you.  I am here and will join you soon enough.  There is barely any dialog between the two, but I imagine that they were fairly close considering their lives.
     Jesus spoke to the people that were listening about how John had cleared the way like a true prophet.  However, Jesus was not a prophet.  To believe in Him, even without knowing everything, is a blessing.  He spoke on how special John was and what his sacrifice meant.  Jesus chose to stay on His own path, but sent comfort back to John.  In doing this He displayed wisdom in action.
     Jesus did not waste His time in places where people refused to listen.  He found it sad that people needed miracles to believe in Him.  The day of judgment will not be kind for them.  We have to have faith even when there is no grand gesture to back it up.
     God hides things, so we have to rely on our faith.  Doubt is wearisome because is such a heavy burden.  It is wise to remove that burden as soon as you can, so that you can stay strong or become stronger.  Jesus will give your soul rest when you follow Him (even blindly).  It is a humbling process for everyone.

Matthew 11

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