Monday, November 25, 2019

Receiving Authority

     Jesus had all the authority over the world.  He chose to be human, but that did not diminish His authority.  He trained His closest friends how to work with authority too.  If you read your Bible and you are saved, then you are being taught how to walk in this world with authority too.
     There are strong evil forces in this world.  We are blessed that most people never encounter a personal hands on attack of an evil spirit, but it does happen.  You can have the authority to cast out demons, remove evil spirits, and lay hands on people to heal them. 
     You can have the authority to speak God's Word with boldness.  The past is the past.  Do not let it stop you from embracing God's calling for you today.  Use it as a testimony.  People will relate.  Not everyone, but they will find someone with in whom they will relate with. 
     When God gives you your calling, then learn how to work with His authority as your support and foundation.  In the beginning it is just about you and Him.  Let God provide for you.  In the beginning, you need to surround yourself with strong Godly people that will help you grow and show you what God's peace can look like in life's storms. 
     Try to talk to the people God leads you to encounter about your relationship with Jesus.  However, some people will reject Him and it will feel like personal rejection.  It is okay to walk away.  Let God deal with them.  You don't need to keep pursuing with words, but do pursue them in prayer.
      When you work in God's authority, you will find that you have more enemies than ever before.  Be aware of your surroundings.  Stand firm in your relationship because persecution is coming.  Don't be afraid because the worst anyone can do is kill your body, but you win because you get to go to Heaven.  No one can ever destroy your soul, so don't give them the power to destroy your spirit.  Be more worried about your relationship with God.  He is the one who decides if you go to Heaven or Hell. 
     Jesus is a sword that came to divide His people from the world.  It can be painful in the beginning, but He is worth any sacrifice.  Your love for Him should surpass any love you have for anyone else.  If it does not, then you will never be able to bare the weight of the cross (times of persecution for Him).  Bare the cross and you will discover rewards beyond anything you can imagine.

Matthew 10

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