Friday, December 13, 2019

All Things End

     Change and death are the only guarantees that we have in life.  When things are good, or horribly bad, it is hard to believe that things will change.  However, everything has its season.  Our job is to get the most from that season.  The catch is, it is not always about us.  Your season could be used for the benefit of another person or people.
     Everything comes to an end.  Do not be deceived by wars, conflict, or rumors of the end.  Know your God as you see the earthquakes and famine all over the world.  Jesus predicted them, but they don't all mean it is the end of the world.  He told us they are only the beginning.  Things will get worse before Jesus comes back. 
     As Satan's influence grows in the world, so will the persecution for following Jesus.  It is important to know what you believe and why.  Soon, there will be no time to reference your Bible.  You need to have a response ready and a determination to stand by Him no matter what it may mean.  When this time arrives, many people will turn away from Him.  Question yourself now:  Am I One of those People?
     As people turn from Jesus, hatred will become more dominant in the world.  It will not be easy to stand firm, but remember why.  False prophets and the false christ will perform miracles, like Jesus.  You need to be able to distinguish between the truth and the lie because they will be very convincing. 
     When the world ends as we know it, there will be a total eclipse accompanied by an earthquake.  Jesus will appear in the sky.  Anyone who sees it will mourn over being fooled because His glory is so evident.  His angels will come with trumpets gathering the four winds from Heaven.  Everything we know will end except what Word promises. 
    No one knows the hour or the day, but God, when the end is coming.  That is why we need to live our lives with urgency and importance.  Enjoy the small victories and don't focus on the defeats.  Be alert and learn now because you don't want to be left behind.  You don't want your loved ones left behind.  Be sure to be honoring God when He arrives.  Be sure that you are one of the elect.

Matthew 24 

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