Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Unprepared

     Jesus tries to prepare all people, so that we can see what He is offering and have an educated choice.  When a person is not ready in time, it is tragic.  The unprepared person will be asleep when they need to be active.  When Jesus comes back we need to be dressed and ready to leave or the door will be shut in our face.  Once the door is shut, it will not open again.  That only leaves on other door, the door to eternal fire and anguish.
     The unprepared are not trustworthy.  They are given something and they hoard it.  They don't know how to invest: time, money, or energy.  God rewards us according to our faith.  If you do not let your faith grow, then we have no map or light to guide our path.  If you do not have faith, then you will not receive any rewards.  There is only despair.
     When the faithful get to Heaven, Jesus will be on the throne.  We all will be one nation gathered before Him with His angels.  That means no distinguishing between race, nationality, or social class.  We become united.  He will be the one that divides His people from the unfaithful.  The unprepared (unfaithful) will have to follow Satan and his angels.
     We need to take care of each other now, so that we can show the world how to love.  We need to display His light to save as many souls before it is too late.  Only the people Jesus knows will be allowed to enter Heaven.  

Matthew 25

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