Sunday, December 15, 2019


     Those who grow up in church know that to be anointed is a great honor, but few understand that it is a blessing.  When anointed it is like placing a prayer on a person to prepare them for what is to come. 
     A couple of days before Jesus was taken to be crucified, he was eating dinner at Simon the Lepers when a woman appeared.  She approached Jesus with an alabaster jar full of extremely expensive perfume.  She poured it on Jesus' head.  Some that were there felt like she was wasting money over something frivolous.  It could of been sold and fed many people.
     However, Jesus said it was a beautiful act.  There will always be people that are in need, but He would not be with them for much longer.  She did not know that, but she anointed Him anyway.  I believe that it was the Holy Spirit that led her to the great personal sacrifice to honor God.  She unknowingly prepared Jesus for burial.
     This act also ignited Judas to go to the chief priest for a reward for turning Jesus over to them.  They gave him 30 silver coins to do it and he waited for his opportunity.  Which happened after the passover dinner.  The dinner where they honored God for having the angel of death pass over the Israelites the night that all the first born died (Moses' story).
     Jesus had been anointed.  He was ready for what was about to happen.  He had one last thing to teach his dear friends.  After Judas left to perform the ultimate betrayal, Jesus taught the others how to honor Him after was gone.  Today we call it the Lord's Supper. 
     Jesus had a personal message for Peter to help him live with his biggest regret that was about to happen.  Then they all went to Gethsemane to pray.  They all fell asleep because they still did not realize what was happening and they were tired.  It was very late into the night. 
     Jesus must have felt so alone, yet He was more concerned about their souls.  He realized how easy it would be for them to fall back into a sinful lifestyle without Him there.  He knows that our spirits are willing, but that our bodies are weak. 

Matthew 26: 1-46

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