Monday, December 16, 2019

Time for Change

     Jesus worked for the benefit of all people until His very last breath.  He prayed so hard for the people that were in His life and those to come.  When He was arrested, it was not the end.  It was just time for things to change.
     Peter was a passionate man that reacted more than strategized.  When the soldiers came with Judas, Peter reacted by cutting off the ear of one of them.  Jesus stopped him from going any further and healed the man with the lost ear.  He spoke words that are wise to remember today:  "whoever lives by the sword will die by the sword".   He told Peter that the scripture had to be fulfilled and all His friends fled. 
     Jesus was taken to the Sanhedrin to face Caiaphas.  Peter followed at a distance to see what would happen to his friend.  The priest had found some false witnesses to guarantee the fact that they could kill Jesus.  They used Jesus' words, but twisted them into something menacing.  Jesus knew the power of His words, so He remained silent.  He only spoke to claim being God's son.  They accused Him of blasphemy, which is a serious crime against God.  They used that as an excuse to abuse Jesus when in reality they were just releasing their sinful anger out on Him.
      This is about the time that Peter's biggest regret occurred.  He denied knowing Jesus three times as Jesus had predicted.  When he realized what had happened, he wept bitterly.  After all, he loved Jesus.  He just did not want to die.  It was time for a change for Peter and the other 11 too.  Their entire worlds were being turned upside down in a violent kind of way.
     We may try to run away from change because it can be hard or require horribleness before things get better.  However, we all have seasons of change.  It will be an easier transition if we just work through it.  It is time for change in all of our lives.  Think about how you want 2020 to look.  Pray over it now, so that as one year passes you can enter the next year with direction.

Matthew 26: 47-75

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