Tuesday, December 17, 2019


     We all face consequences (good or bad) for our actions.  Every actions leads to another action.  We all want to think ourselves as the good guys.  What happens when we realize that we are the person at fault?  What do you do when you see that your actions hurt someone else?
     Judas could not deal with what he did.  His friends probably had turned their back on him when they realized he was the betrayer.  He was utterly alone stuck in a dark place of his own making.  Satan had a grip on him, so you can imagine just how dark the depression of his mind. 
     When he heard that Jesus was going to be put to death, he became full of remorse.  His actions led to the death of a beloved mentor.  He tried to return the money, but the priest would not take blood money.  He left them with money and hung himself.  Suicide is not the answer, but Satan will make it look like the only option if he has any power over you.
     Since the money was blood money, they could not keep it.  They were not concerned about what Judas did.  They never cared about him.  He was just a vessel to get what they wanted.  However, they did care about how things made them look.  They took the blood money and bought a field, that to bury foreigners.  It was named the field of blood which fulfilled another prophecy on Jesus' behalf.
     Satan means things for death and destruction. However, God is more powerful.  He can turn the ugliest things to serve a glorious purpose.  It is sad that Judas will have to burn in hell for eternity, but he made his choice.  Suicide guaranteed that he would not have a second chance.

Matthew 27: 1-10

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