Thursday, December 5, 2019

Blind to Faith

     A man came to Jesus because his son was having violent seizures that caused him to hurt himself.  Jesus was frustrated because He had already revealed the power of faith.  However, the father in his anxiety could not see it as a faith issue.  The disciples who tried earlier did not understand how faith worked.  Jesus told them they were an unbelieving, perverse generation.  It makes me wonder what He says about our generation who has had so many opportunities.  Yet people are still blind to faith.
      Jesus rebuked the people, but he would not let a boy stay in agony.  He rebuked the demon that was in the boy forcing it out.  When the demon was gone, then the boy was healed.  Sometimes our battles with health really are spiritual.  God blessed doctors with wonderful gifts of healing, but they are not always the answer.  When you have faith, nothing is impossible.  NOTHING!
     Jesus also displayed how people are meant to follow the rules of man as an act of faith.  He paid his taxes.  He did it to be an example.  Jesus did not play with politics, but he would rise above to not offend people blind to His purpose on earth.  He expects us to do the same, live above the petty things in life.  He does not approve of people playing the system.  If you chose to do things honestly with integrity, then He will provide the money and a way for it to be done.  It may be a miraculous way.

Matthew 17: 14-27

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