Wednesday, December 4, 2019

In a Moment

     Have you ever had your life change in a moment?  One moment you are confident and know everything that is going on.   Then something happens and everything changes.  It can take only a moment.
     Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the mountain top.  They are the three friends that Jesus had a special plan for them. The journey to the mountain top was not new for them.  They were strong.  They had done this before.  However, this time was different.  Jesus needed to challenge them, so they could understand the special moment.
     On the mountaintop He transfigured into His heavenly self before them.  His face shined radiantly and his clothes became pure white.  When this happened Elijah and Moses joined him in this little bubble of divine time.
     Peter, being a get it done person, wanted to make them all shelters.  However, Jesus just wanted him to experience what was happening.  God engulfed the group in an eye hurting bright white cloud, so they could really understand how much He loved them all and had a special message for them.
     The three fell to the ground terrified.  Jesus came to them and had them to get up because there was no need to be afraid.  When they got up, only Jesus remained.  The others had returned to Heaven.  The message was that no matter how powerful Jesus is, He was going to suffer.  Elijah represented John the Baptist.  A prophet that came to restore everything, but was not recognized.  Their entire perspective changed in a moment.

Matthew 17: 1-13

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