Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Testing God

     In the United States, we live a very privileged life.  People go around making demands all the time.  Their time is money.  Their attention needs to be acknowledged.  Their deeds need to be noticed.  It is how society functions.  We never consider how arrogant that is when we approach God in that way.  It tests Him and reveal the evil in people's hearts.
     When you make demands from any heavenly being or servant of God, then it is testing God.  Demanding a sign from God reveals a spiritually adulterous nature.  It breeds a toxic culture that keeps growing until you face God where He demands that you meet Him.  You face Him at your sin and ask for mercy.  He will reveal to you what He chooses.  Some people never get to this point because they don't understand.
      Guard what God does reveal to you.  Sometimes it is just to be closer to you.  Sometimes it is for you to guide certain people.  At other times, it is to reveal things that need to be confronted.  No matter what it is God wanting you to understand who He is.  He is the living God.  Jesus is His son, but still God.  Once you get this, then you have the foundation of faith.
     Jesus revealed God's plan for His life to His friends.  He told them point blank what would happen, yet they did not hear it.  They did not understand until things played out.  The same goes for us sometimes.  God has revealed secrets to us.  We just are not in a place to recieve it.
     Live by faith when you do not understand life, so that you do not become a stumbling block to the people watching you live out your life.  When you became a Christian you lost your right to make demands.  You life became a cross bearing life, but He helps with the load.  We will all be rewarded according to how we live our lives.

Matthew 16

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