Monday, December 23, 2019

Faith Called into Action

     Wherever Jesus went people followed.  They didn't come in small groups, but in hordes.  He was at one house that was so packed that a group of men cut out a part of the roof so they could get their paralytic friend to Jesus.  Their faith motivated action.  It was not convenient for anyone involved, but the reward was the man received healing and became a walking testimony.
     When faith moves you toward change, people take notice.  Some people even get angry.  It can be confusing in the beginning.  You know you are doing good deeds, so why are people getting angry?  They get angry because your faith shines a light on their sin or lack of faith.  Don't let other people pull you down.  Keep your heart focused on serving Jesus.
     Build up your faith before jumping into the deep end.  Jesus went to the sinners first because He is God.  He was not going to get lost in sin.  He came to heal and He only had a short amount of time.  The more you are in the presence of sin, the more it seems normal.  If you jump in too soon, then you are at risk of no longer seeing it as sin.  You don't lose your salvation, but you do lose your impact for Jesus.
     If your ministry is calling you to the darkest places, then be sure to fast over it.  Spend a lot of time in prayer over the people and protection for yourself.  Fasting unlocks the secret power of faith.  A power that can't be talked about and understood, but seen in the small changes and supernatural understanding. 
     Honor Him through His laws and commandments.  Know God's boundaries.  They will save you so much headache and confusion.  This requires you getting to know God on His terms, not your own selfish desires or negotiations.  For example, the Sabbath was created for our benefit.  We were not created for the Sabbath.  That means we have to keep it sacred, but not at the expense of being able to serve Jesus in the best way.

Mark 2

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