Saturday, December 7, 2019

Necessary Innocence

     Jesus could never abide the haughty or the arrogant.  He finally declared that He wanted us to come to Him with the innocence of children.  That means we can't come to Him with an agenda.  He is not here to approve our plans.  He is here to tweek and change them.
     We need to walk children for a couple of reasons.  One reason is to protect them and their innocence.  Another reason is to see the innocence and joy that it brings to their life.  We can learn so much from children and our pets.  They love without holding back.  We have to learn how to approach God with that attitude.  He is so happy when you find your way back to Him.  He doesn't want to lose any of us.
     It requires a certain level of innocence to be able to develop the maturity to handle conflict in the Biblical context.  We need to talk with people instead of about them, even when it is just venting out frustration.  If a person will not listen to reason, then take two or three mature christians to talk with the person.  This is the only way to win people to Christ.  However, some will still not listen.  That is when you can turn your back on them, but don't just give up on people
     It takes innocence to be able to forgive.  The more you let the world in, them harder your heart becomes.  Jesus commands us to be merciful.  That does not come natural for most of us.  If we cannot find a way to forgive people, then we are acting wickedly. 
     Forgiveness breaks down all sorts of barriers.  On the other hand, unforgiveness chains us down with a heavy burden of anger that destroys your peace.  There is a time for forgiveness and a time for church discipline.  It takes maturity to know the difference when to walk away from people and when we need to try harder.

Matthew 18:10-35

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