Sunday, December 8, 2019

Living Integrity

     Integrity is being  honest with strong moral principles.  In the Biblical aspect, integrity is a Biblical standard that means the person will not change their behavior easily according to what is most suited to a situation.
     Jesus used the example of work.  In the work place it can be the hardest to display your relationship with Him.  Most Christians work very hard at their job with moral standards.  We see people that do not appear to work as hard or maybe breaking the rules; yet, they get promotions and raises.  It can be difficult not to get upset or even bitter.   Jesus said work to the best of your ability for what you agreed to work for.  Integrity is not greedy.  Let Him deal with any mishandling of those in charge if there are any.  Focus on your job.  It will make life a lot less stressful.
     Jesus knew He would be betrayed by one of his closest friends.  He knew who was going to betray Him.  However, He did not call out that man.  He knew how the others would react.  He wanted to give everyone the chance to grow into mature integrity.  He wanted to give them the chance to forgive the man with the promise of His resurrection.
     It is human nature to want to be recognized for what we do.  For a mother, there is pride in her child being recognized.  However, in a life of Godly integrity, to be recognized as great comes at a cost.  You have to become a servant to everyone.  Jesus did not come to be served as is His right.  He came to serve and pay the ransom for our sins.  To be great, you have to be willing to die for what you believe.
     A person of integrity knows when to show mercy and compassion.  This is the only way you can lead others to Jesus.  There is no room for pride. Integrity like Jesus is something far more difficult than integrity to human standards, but it is worth it though.

Matthew 20

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