Monday, December 30, 2019

Not Understanding

     Jesus took Peter, James, and John on a little journey up the mountain to witness something unspeakable.  Jesus took them to witness His transfiguration so that they could see Him in His God form.  However, they did not understand the importance of it.  Peter was a fixer, so sitting around to watch was hard for him.  He wanted to make Jesus a shelter along with one for Elijah and Moses who also showed up.  He needed to do something.
      God, Himself, stopped Peter.  He surrounded them with a cloud and told the group how He loved His son.  Stop and listen to Him.  It was too much for the small group to comprehend.  As quickly as the cloud appeared, it disappeared along with Elijah and Moses.  Jesus ordered them not to talk about it until He rose from the dead, I think they agreed out of love, but also what could they possibly say and not sound crazy.  After all they did not understand what He meant when He said raise from the dead.
     When they returned they entered their normal lives immediately.  It is kind of an emotional bombshell to go through something that no one else saw or could possibly comprehend, but be expected to reenter life as normal.  However, real life has a way of forcing you into a routine of some sort. 
     Can you imagine what it was like for Jesus?  He shared Himself completely and His closest friends still did not understand.  It was probably one of the most special moments of His earthly life.  He had to go back to the crowds and people demanding things of Him.  After all, how many times had He said that if you have faith that you can do anything (heal, drive out demons, move mountains).  Ask God to help you with any unbelief that you may have.
     Now, sometimes faith does require the power of prayer too.  Together nothing is impossible.  It just requires changing the way you think.  We are born selfish.  We think we have earned or are entitled to things.  It just is not true.  We are His stewards, so we have to look to be last to become first in the sight of God.  We have to go to Him with the confidence, innocence, and welcoming nature of a child.   We have to pursue good even when it is not beneficial for us to obtain peace.  It can take a while to understand this new philosophy for life.

Mark 9

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