Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Hard Topics

     Many people do not like parts of the Bible.  They chose to ignore or avoid them all together.  They do this because they are lazy, scared of learning some truths, or do not want a spot light in their own sin.
     One such topic is divorce.  In society it is so common that no one blinks an eye over it.  However, Jesus strongly felt that it is a sin.  God gave us a command on how to approach marriage, but allows divorce because people break His boundaries on loving each other.  Divorce is permitted because people have hard hearts (selfish desires where they put their wants over taking care of the spouse).  Jesus clarified the boundaries of divorce and adultery. 
     Another topic is the proper way of treating children.  They are people that are being molded by adults.  That means that they need a little extra love and attention, not pushed aside to be seen and not heard.  Jesus loves children.  Let them come to Him without hindrance.  In the same way take care of the the homeless, crippled, or handicap.  Don't over look them, but face the discomfort until you are able to see more clearly. 
     Wealth is a hot topic.  There is nothing wrong with money.  It is the person's attitude toward money that is what matters.  Do you rely on the security that money gives you over the certainty that God will take care of you even if you had no money?   Money will not get you into Heaven.  The more you humble yourself the richer your soul becomes.  The amount you have in the bank means nothing either way.
     Last topic for today: salvation.  Salvation is a hard concept for some because there is only one way to get to heaven when the world says just be good according to your own standards.  Jesus spoke of His death and resurrection before it ever happened.  He knew it was hard to understand.  He tried to prepare His friends.  Today, we can see everything laid out.  We do not have an excuse for not believing.  We do or we do not. 

Marl 10

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