Sunday, January 19, 2020

Coming Down the Mountain

     Jesus took Peter, John, and James to the top of a mountain to pray.  I believe Jesus made them His closest friends because He knew they would have the biggest impact on what would happen after He went back to Heaven.  There Jesus transfigured into His heavenly self to be seen with Moses and Elijah.   On that mountain top they saw something glorious and heard God's voice.  It doesn't get much better than that.  But, what comes after the big experience?
     When they left the mountaintop, they had to go back to their everyday life.  There was nothing wrong with their everyday life.  They had a blessed life, but it must have appeared a  little dull after such an experience.  Not forever because you get used to your life again, but for a while, it is hard to adjust after the experience into the same life, but new perspective.  It is difficult because the experience was not shared with the people in your everyday life.
     As soon as they departed the mountain, the needy were there wanting healing and begging for help.  That is why Jesus was there.  His perspective never changed, so He went right back to work.  But, what about the other three?  Jesus knew what they were experiencing, so He told the 12 things secrets to try to put things into perspective.  He knew they did not understand, but they would eventually. 
     The disciples were all very human, so they sometimes had disputes.  Jesus always handled the disputes by reprimanding them or turning it into a teaching moment.  After all, what is the point if you don't get something out of conflict.  Jesus was upfront about what the cost is to follow Him.  It will not be an easy journey for anyone.  The mountaintops and the valleys each have their purpose and teaching moments.

Luke 9: 28-62

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