Friday, January 31, 2020


     There are people out there that have a certain level of power over your life, however; they do not care about God or you.  They are not going to follow God's commandments and you can't expect them too.  What you can do is be persistent in prayer and obedience to God yourself.  Be persistent in asking them for what you need from them and do not back down until they see reason.  God opens doors for justice.  It just doesn't usually happen over night. Pray with the vision of what is right in your mind and heart along with faith will ensure it will happen.
      Be persistent, but humble.  If you believe yourself righteous or always right, then you are becoming part of the problem.  See yourself clearly and go to God with what you see.  God grants mercy to the humble and judgment to the arrogant.
     Children are meant to be brought before God.  Their innocence brings Him great joy.  Never hinder a child from having a relationship with God, even if you may not be able to understand it.  There is something special there because they go to Him with dependence, openness, and sincerity.
     This philosophy can be difficult for the people whom have all they want in abundance.  They have a harder time depending on God.  It allows independence that is not needed.  However, all things are possible with God.  Do not fear of what you can lose here and now.  The eternal life is what need to be banked.  Call out for mercy when things feel unbearable and He will be there.  His since of time is not like ours, so keep calling out to him persistently.  He is not ignoring you.  He may be growing your faith.

Luke 18 

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