Sunday, February 23, 2020


     Lazarus was a friend of Jesus.  He was someone in whom Jesus cared a lot about.  However, when Lazarus' sisters (Mary and Martha) sent Jesus word that he had become ill, Jesus stayed where He was for two more days.  Then, He gathered His disciples to go wake Lazarus, who had died.
     It must have been very upsetting and confusing to the sisters, whom had always been loyal and loved, Jesus to be informed that He was not rushing to their aid.  Then He arrives to comfort them as if nothing had happened.  He had the vantage point, but how could they know or understand what was happening.  Their beloved brother was dead and Jesus could have prevented it.  That is all they understood.
     When Jesus arrived, Lazarus had already been buried for four days.  Martha confronted Jesus with her feelings.  He responded with the fact that Lazarus would arise.  She still did not understand because she thought He was talking about resurrection day.  She walked away to get Mary with her faith intact, if not comforted.
     When Mary arrived, she fell at Jesus' feet to ask Him why her brother had died.  This moved Jesus to tears.  After a short discourse, Jesus went to the tomb.  He ordered the stone be moved away.  This alarmed people because the body would be swollen and giving off the distinct death smell at this point. 
     Jesus' response was that if you believe, then you will see God's glory.  This act was for the benefit of all who believe.  Jesus ordered Lazarus to come out of the tomb.  It probably was not long, but Lazarus walked out still in his burial wrappings.  (I sometimes wonder if this is where they came up with the idea of mummy stories and movies.)  Jesus ordered the people to take the wrappings off and give Lazarus clothes.  I don't think anyone would deny Jesus anything at this point. 
     When the Pharisees heard they were enraged thinking Jesus was something sinister instead of the Messiah.  They settled a little when Caiaphas prophesied that Jesus would be dead within the year because they began to plot that death.  This proves to me that God can give anyone a prophesy at any time, but that we have holes.  I don't think any one person gets the entire story.  Caiaphas predicted that the people would scatter when Jesus died.  What he did not see was that Jesus would rise again and His people would have a power within them that is unimaginable. 

John 11

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