Saturday, February 22, 2020

What is the Flock?

     Jesus called His people the flock and Himself the Good Shepherd.  Most of us have never dealt or worked on a farm (or with animals).  It may come across strange.  However, to the people Jesus was speaking with it was the perfect metaphor. That is why it is surprising that they could not understand.
     Sheep are known to be dim witted.  When they are together, they can't get through an open door without being directed.  In the same way when people get together, they can confuse each other.  They can stop each other from seeing what is right there.  They can only see a crowd when Jesus sees each of us individually.  He knows each of us by name and not just the name given when we were born.  He knows our soul name.  He is the gate calling out our name trying to get us to look beyond the crowd to the open door.
     Jesus came to Earth to give life.  Satan came like a thief trying to take everything that gives us value, even our very lives.  Jesus is a good shepherd because He died for His flock.  He brings us together for safety by rising Himself from the dead.  Satan is like a wolf pretending to be a sheep.  He rips the flock apart from within the herd. 
     It is not in your best interest to ignore Jesus.  He made Himself known and He is still pursuing you.  Why do people not believe?  You just need to reach out and find that warm comfort that comes in His presence even in the worst of times.  He calls His people and they follow His voice. If you are His, then you know His voice. 

John 10

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