Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Investigation

     People once believed that a person born with a handicap was being punished for their parent's sins or their own.  However, things sometimes just happen to innocent people.  If it happens to you, then you should seek to see if there is any hidden sin.  If you do not find any hidden sin, then do not allow anyone make you feel guilty.  Instead, seek Jesus to work through the challenge and invest to discover the lesson behind the circumstances. Sometimes bad things happen to display God's power and light.
     Jesus would heal people on the Sabbath, so that they did not have to go through one more day of suffering.  This made some people, especially Pharisees, angry.  After all, it was against religious law to work on the Sabbath and isn't a miracle work.  Other people believed it was all an attention getting prank.  After all, people can't perform real miracles.  They had to have proof.  Then, there were the special people that believed simply from hearing.
     The sad truth is when Jesus healed the blind man on the Sabbath, it was the healed man that was dealt with harshly.  Yet, he never would give up Jesus.  Jesus had given him sight, which with being blind I think gave him insight too.  The innocent man was thrown out of the synagogue.  It didn't matter to the man.  It was just a place.  Jesus took the thing that was breaking his heart and healed him.  He had real faith instead of religion.

John 9

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