Monday, February 3, 2020

Point of Authority

     We all have had issues with people in authority over us at one point or another.  Maybe for some, the problem never goes away, it just shifts from one person to another.  We have to look at our perspective on authority before we can take a good look at Jesus' authority.  We have to do that or our perspective can mar the truth about Jesus.
     When discovering Jesus' authority, over everything and everyone, look at the questions that He asked and the parables He told.  He was big on us figuring things out for ourselves.  We are not children to be told everything will be okay and just accept it.  We need to discover the truth for ourselves.
     He used parables to show how greed in the heart can change you in a way that you do things that you never thought possible.  He also revealed that greed can cloud a clear perception from seeing the real need for Him to govern your life.  Paying what you owe (whether it be taxes, bill, or other debt) is a part of submitting to authority.  If you resist, then you need to look deep to discover your reasons.
     Follow Jesus' authority and you will not get caught up on the things of this world that do not matter.  We are God's children.  That is what matters.  The other relationship will be strictly pure in Heaven without title or distinction.  Follow Christ and this will become more clear.  Do it for show and you will be judged more harshly because you damage the image of God to other people.  People can see if you are transparently pure or look good for display.

Luke 20

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