Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Aging Beauty

     Today, more than ever, people seem to have a hard time aging.  It is like society demands that we stay young and beautiful forever.  However, God sees the beauty in every age.  Jesus teaches us that beauty can be seen in different ways.
     He used an old widow as an example of a generous giver, but I see it as Him displaying her beautiful soul.  She gave all she had to Him without knowing it was Him in whom she was giving.  Maybe they never met in person.  It doesn't matter because we know she went to Heaven and is with Him there.  What could be more beautiful.
     We have beautiful building and places.  They may outlast people over time, but they too will fade.  One day there will be nothing left.  We know this, so why do we invest so much in beautiful things.  I It can give us comfort in the harshness of the world.  It could be that it makes us more grateful and closer to God.  We just need to understand our motives.
     Do not be deceived by beauty or lovely lies.  It can lead you into an ugly world that you are not prepared for.  I don't think anyone is prepared to live through it. When the end comes, Jesus' family will see Him because they will be taken away before it gets unbearable.  These people do not have to worry.  When ugly things happen, they have the Holy Spirit to give them words and wisdom to deal.  We have to face some things in life to be able to display God's beauty to the world.  After all, Jesus was mutilated beyond recognition, but came back more beautiful than before.
     So as you see the gray hairs coming in and a few wrinkles that were not there last year, look at it as beautiful.  You have lived long enough to see things.  You still have purpose.  You are still beautiful.  You can look at it as a blooming kind of beauty.  Something that may be overlooked by some, but is special.

Luke 21

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