Tuesday, February 11, 2020


     Some of Jesus' teachings were uncomprehenisible.  If we are honest, some of them are still hard to comprehend without someone explaining it to you.  His ways are not our ways, so that means His mindset is not like our mindset.  He is not distracted or bound to the viewpoint of humans or even angels.
     Nicodemus was one of the most educated men of his time.  He also had wisdom and understood how the world worked.  He went to Jesus in secret to learn more and to try to understand the man's teachings.  What he got was more than he had thought possible.
     Nicodemus understood that Jesus was a man of God, maybe a prophet, but he did not see that Jesus was God in the flesh.  That is why when Jesus told him, anyone who wanted to enter Heaven had to be born again, it overwhelmed him.  How can a grown person reenter their mother's womb and be reborn.  However, Jesus was talking about a spiritual rebirth.  Heaven is not obtainable without the Holy Spirit dwelling in you, changing you into a spiritual being.
     We speak of God in the context of how we understand Him.  Some of us invest our lives into knowing Him better.  We still do not understand everything, but we pray and meditate over concepts like these to understand Him better.  We discuss with other people to broaden our perspective without compromising our values or beliefs.  We know that Jesus did not come to condemn at this point.  His life on earth was for our benefit, so that we could know Him before He did come to condemn.  He is the only true light in this dark world that shines only truth.

John 3

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