Monday, February 10, 2020

Jesus' Ministry

     Jesus performed miracles, but that was not His ministry.  That is just what He did.  His first recorded miracle was turning water into wine on behalf of His mother.  It revealed His glory and gained Him favor, but it was not who He was as a human.  He was and still is God in the flesh.
     Jesus showed us how to get angry and not sin.  Righteous anger is necessary to accomplish change sometimes.  He did not appreciate people turning His home, God's house, into a market.  It made Him angry.  His anger was seen by Him throwing the place into disarray. Acting like a crazy man got the attention to reveal that it was not okay to use God's house to make profit.  Yet, His ministry was not an angry ministry.
     Jesus kept a part of Himself hidden even from His closest friends.  It would have only been a distraction.  Jesus' ministry needed to be pure and innocent.  Man would have just distorted it.  He was transparent, but He was careful with how much of Himself He revealed and when.  That is a valid lesson today for leaders.
     Jesus's ministry was preparing the world for what He was bringing.  He taught lessons that will carry until the end of time.  He did good things, but His ministry was revealing Himself and what He provided to the world.  Once He rose from the dead the confusing messages became less confusing.  For example destroying God's temple and rising it again in three days after it took decades to build the first time. 
     Jesus' ministry also introduced us to the Holy Spirit.  We are nothing without the Spirit.  He taught us how to testify.  He became our light in the dark world.  All we have to do is believe it is true.

John 2

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