Sunday, February 9, 2020

Lamb of God

     Can you imagine what it would be like to be born to be a sacrifice for something?  We see it happen with animals, especially on social media these days.  I have a hard time wrapping my head around a person being born to die cruelly for other people that don't seem to even care.  However, when Jesus was born and became old enough to speak for Himself, He declared that is what He was.  He understood and embraced His destiny.  How many of us would look for a way out and try to negotiate?
     John the Baptist did what he could to help get the message out.  I wonder if he knew how it would all end for Jesus' human form.  Maybe he only knew a small portion.  Maybe he didn't really understand, but knew the importance of it all.  Either way, he was a vital character in Jesus' human story.  He knew enough to call Jesus the Lamb of God.
     John called Jesus the Lamb of God because he understood that Jesus would take away our sins.  In Aramaic it is translated as the Servant of God.  Either way Jesus became our guilt offering and both names describe His life.  He is revealed as our atonement, even though the concept may not fully be understood. 
     Jesus had so much impact on John's ministry that two of his own disciples began to follow Jesus and one became part of the 12.  He was Andrew.  Andrew recruited his brother, Peter and Jesus called him Cephas.  Jesus hand picked the twelve and told them to follow Him.  I wonder how many He may had approached that would not follow.  Jesus is still asking us to follow the Lamb of God.  Are you willing?

John 1: 19-51

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