Saturday, February 8, 2020

Word became Flesh

     I grew up hearing the Word became flesh.  I accepted it and did not think too much about it.  I knew it pertained to Jesus and that was enough.  As I got older and my love of books began to really develop, things began to take meaning.  I began to ponder over some things that actually sound odd to a person that did not grow up in the church.
     John does a great job explaining the Word became flesh, but it is still an odd concept to wrap your mind around.  The Word is everything that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have tried to give humans.  It was not in book form for hundreds of years.  It was a concept in story form passed down carefully through the generations.  That is why the first few books of the Bible read so well, but have very few details.  You are reading stories with morals and depth embedded into them.  The New Testament changes everything.  It is when Jesus came down to show us what They had been trying to teach us for hundreds of years.
     The Word is as old as time, really older.  We just can't comprehend that because all we really understand is the linear timeline.  They expand so much more than that tight line.  God created everything and that is where our story begins.  The creation that we see everyday is meant to give light to hope and expand our faith.  Jesus is our true hope to what comes after what we know.  He is what gives us comfort when we try to imagine something we can't really grasp until we are there.
     Jesus' birth was God coming to Earth to save humanity.  When He entered the human realm, the Word became flesh with His flesh.  It became more real because it was human.  It expanded beyond a particular group of people to all of mankind.  Jesus made the Word have grace with the power of truth by making God known to us.

John 1: 1-18

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